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Library Centers
Library Centers provide adequate space and an environment conducive for studying, conducting tutoring classes and training. A wide array of referral books on diverse topics, textbooks of school curriculum and videos are available in the library. The space is also used for art classes, tutoring sessions, reading and storytelling. Meetings with parents and caregivers to ensure regular school attendance are freqently held. These interactions allow us to further understand the needs of the children in the communities.
School Supplies
Stationery kits and school uniforms are provided to school going children


The early childhood care and development (ECCD) program caters to children of the eligible age group of 3-5 years. It contributes in their holistic development encompassing the areas of physical, motor, language, cognitive, socio- emotional and creative development. A more structured and planned school readiness component is provided for older children.

Supplementary feeding is an essential feature of the program where children are fed with tasty meals or snacks 5 days a week and a close monitoring of their BMI is done in order to prevent the occurrence of malnutrition. Regular engagement with caregivers takes place in the preparation of meals, discussions about the nutritious value of various food and nutrition education sessions.


This includes funding for medical and dental services by program associates, including medical camps. Emergency medical support is also provided


Supplemental feeding for malnourished children, including sessions with caregivers to ensure healthy behaviors.


Computer Centers 
Basic computer skills are provided with training in MS Office and the use of the Internet. English as a second language is often part of the curriculum. 
Teaching and learning materials are provided to those who participated.


Clothing, footwear and home supplies
Life Skills training

Children International India contributors invest in the lives of children, helping them get the education, life skills and confidence they need to break free from poverty. The force of their combined efforts starts a powerful multiplier effect that empowers children and youth to change their own lives and futures, transforming their families and communities too.

Children International India
4th Floor, Statesman House Building
Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place,
New Delhi-110001 Email:
Copyright © Children International India.